Faculty Senate

Shared Governance Processes


Responsibilities of Shared Governance Groups When Submitting Action Items to the Chancellor:

  • All action items will include the date of the action, a meaningful numbering system, and specify the acting body.
  • All action items (excluding agendas, minutes, the filling of vacancies, and items within an established workflow, e.g. CourseLeaf) will be transmitted to the Chancellor and will indicate, either in the email transmittal or in the document itself, if they are:
    • “Information Only” (e.g. a statement of the body requiring no action)
    • “Input for Consideration” (e.g. the position/recommendation of the body on an upcoming decision)
    • “Request for Approval” (e.g. a policy change or new initiative)
  • All action items will indicate whether or not they require a response from the Chancellor.
  • All action items requiring a Chancellor’s response will be transmitted to the Chancellor within 14 days of their approval by the governance group.
  • Action items will be sent to the chancellor@zhkkxj.com account, the unique account of the current Chancellor, other relevant Cabinet members, the Chancellor’s Chief of Staff, and the other governance leaders.
  • In addition, Shared Governance Groups/Leaders will make a permanent commitment to:
    • Meet together at least monthly while classes are in session
    • Annually select a liaison to each other governance group

Responsibilities of the Chancellor When Responding to Action Items Submitted by Shared Governance Groups:

  • The response to any action item requiring a response will be transmitted to the body’s Chair/President within 30 days of receipt of the original action item.
  • Each Chancellor’s response will be dated, clearly indicate the action item to which it responds, and include the Chancellor’s signature.
  • Each Chancellor’s response will indicate one of the following:
    • “Received” (This response would be appropriate for the “Information Only” items.)
    • “Accepted” with an indication of how the information will be used (This response would be appropriate for the “Input for Consideration” items.)
    • “In Progress” with explanation of what work is ongoing and a timeline for finishing
    • “Delayed” with explanation of what is needed to proceed and an anticipated timeline
    • “Approved” with an implementation plan and/or timeline
    • “Rollback” with detailed annotation regarding which elements of the action are problematic (This response would be appropriate in ongoing negotiations as a policy is created.)
    • “Rejected” with a rationale for the rejection
  • In addition, the Chancellor will make a permanent commitment to:
    • Invite all governance leaders to at least one cabinet meeting per month while classes are in session
    • Invite each governance leader for monthly 1-on-1 (the Provost may be added when appropriate) meetings while classes are in session

Approved by the Faculty Senate 2022-10-25 

Approved by University Staff Assembly on 2022-11-03 

Approved by Whitewater Student Government on 2022-11-07

Approved by Academic Staff Assembly on 2022-11-09 

Approved by the Chancellor on 2022-12-06