Bias Support and Education Team
Image of the center of campus at 足彩平台 with students walking down the sidewalks

Bias Support and Education Team

Bias or Hate should Never be part of the Warhawk Experience

The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater is committed to creating a safe and supportive environment for all people. The institution values a diverse community where all members are able to fully participate in the Wisconsin Experience. As Chapter 17 of the UW System code states, the University can accomplish its educational mission only if living and learning environments are safe and free from violence, harassment and intimidation.

Incidents of bias or hate affecting a person or group negatively impacts the quality of the Warhawk Experience for community members. 足彩平台 takes such incidents seriously and will respond appropriately to reported or observed incidents of bias or hate.

Mission and Vision

UW–Whitewater is committed to creating safe and supportive living and learning environments that are free from violence, harassment, and intimidation. Bias and hate incidents that occur on campus are experiences that should never be part of the Warhawk Experience. 

The mission of the Warhawk Bias Support and Education Team  is to address forms of bias through proactive education, comprehensive response and support to individuals impacted by bias incidents. We strive to create a campus community where students, faculty and staff of all identities feel welcomed and supported. 

The primary role of the Warhawk Bias Support and Education Team is to review bias incidents and provide outreach, support and education to impacted parties. The (BSET) seeks to collect information on any bias incidents motivated by a person's actual or perceived identity, including, but not limited to race, ethnic background, nationality, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, religious affiliation.

What We Do

  • Collect reports on bias incidents 
  • Provide support for those impacted by bias incidents 
  • Assist impacted parties in connecting with support services
  • Encourage constructive dialogue between individuals involved
  • Facilitate proactive and ongoing, educational training about the impact of bias
  • Raise awareness and empower bystanders to promote a culture of civility & respect
  • Inform administration and recommend best practices in terms of policy and action, based on trends and findings

What We Don’t Do

  • Infringe on First Amendment Rights
  • Limit academic freedom
  • Impose disciplinary sanctions or other forms of punishment
  • Conduct investigations (Please note that incident reports may be routed to one or more of the following university entities: Human Resources, Affirmative Action, Title IX, University Police, or Dean of Students Office. We will work to direct your report the  appropriate office while upholding confidentiality if possible.)